Electroforming Lord Shiva Parvati and Ganesha murti are in high polish. This idol is a reflection of prosperity, power and energy. Bring this deity to home and place them in your temple or can be placed as a showpiece.
Electroforming God Ganesha murti is in high polish. Bring Silver Ganesha, deity to home and place them in your temple. This idol is a reflection of power, prosper and balance.
Electroforming Silver Ganesha murti is in high polish. Enhanced with two mushak, this idol is a reflection of power, prosper and balance. Bring this deity to home and place them in your temple.
Electroforming God Ganesha murti is in high polish. Bring this deity to home and place them in your temple. This Silver idol is a reflection of power, prosper and balance.
Electroforming God Ganesha murti is in high polish. Bring this deity to home and place them in your temple. This silver Ganesha idol is a reflection of power, prosper and balance.